13 June, 2009

A New Song

He gave me an inspiration to write down these lyrics.

If I sing,
I will sing for You
If I dance, I will dance for You
With all my heart, my soul, my mind
My hands lifted high, to worship You

For You are King over the throne
And I adore You, Jesus

My heart cries out to You
These tears belong to You Lord
I bow my knees to see You glorified (Hallelujah)
with all my heart I give
to You the only King
I love You
Lord Jesus, King of all

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He walked with me through :

one who seeks Jesus

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Once barren, empty and alone, this broken vessel is now filled with living water overflowing. She is learning to submit to the life lessons that her Maker gives lavishly. Nothing is more important than Him and she gradually realizes the importance of her testimony and living because it will reflect true identity and purpose of her life to others. She seeks to grow and be nurtured into a tree that bears fruit for others to know that He is good! www.tabjoy.org